Quirked Up TikToker Gives Tour of Wacky Room, Prompts Extreme Reactions

Personal touches are the kind of thing that can really make a house a home. Even the beige McMansion lovers have their quirks, and you know what? No matter what other people think of them, they should be allowed to put them on display. 

Some people get a lot more invested in interior design than others, and it really shows. We’ve all got to have a hobby, many find that the way their home looks is a good enough one for them.

It certainly seems to be in the interests of one TikToker, who prompted some fierce debate recently after showing off her extremely unique room. Involving quirks like an ocean-themed bed, multiple different ‘keyboard walls’ and a heck of a lot of nail clippers, viewers couldn’t seem to decide whether the whole thing was genius or ridiculous. Whatever your opinion might be, there’s no doubting that a lot of effort went into this. Perhaps we shouldn’t question the reasoning behind it. 

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