Random Memes Plucked From the Farthest Corners of the Internet

It has never ceased to amaze me that the internet has a place for everyone. It also has the power to bring people together, and not just via social media. Thanks to meetup sites and apps, people are making real, human connections with people who have similar interests. They’re escaping the excruciating loneliness that seems to hang over many of our heads. It’s great that some individuals can get together IRL, but those who can’t aren’t short of connections, either. I remember when I had a Yelp account to score drinks underage at their parties, the site’s forums were a treasure trove of warmth and community. They were filled with people looking out for one another, helping each other through crises even as serious as terminal cancer. I don’t spend time on that site anymore, but I see similar situations all over Reddit, Instagram, and other sites. These bonds are especially prevalent in the meme world, and they churn out memes dedicated to their interests with great prolificity. These memes are a great reflection of that diversity; a solid mix of silly, stupid, sassy and altogether inappropriate. May they serve you well.  

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