Servers Share Some of the Strangest Requests They’ve Gotten From Customers

Anyone who has ever worked in the service industry has got a story or two to tell. As someone who used to work in an offbeat bar that served as the watering whole for some of the neighborhood’s weirdest locals, I can tell you that the job was anything but boring. My favorite regular was probably a guy who owned a shop across the street. He claimed he hated the taste of alcohol, but would still come in periodically to order a shot glass of boxed red wine. He would make disgusted faces in between sips, leave, and then come back a couple hours later for another shot of wine. I lived for strange requests like that—they made the job way more entertaining. 

One redditor recently asked servers to share some of the weirdest requests they’ve gotten from customers, and the replies did not disappoint. We’ve narrowed it down to a handful of our favorites.

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