‘Shrek 5’ Confirmed, Internet Rejoices

After over a decade, the day has finally arrived. Internet users can now lay down their arms, even if just for a momentary truce, and celebrate the return of everyone’s favorite ogre. Shrek 5 has been confirmed.

While it’s still in early development, the entire voice cast (Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, and Cameron Diaz) have expressed their interest and intention to return to the Dreamworks franchise for a fifth film. Eddie Murphy even went as far as to suggest a Donkey spinoff.

Many of us never thought we’d see the day. If you’re an older fan, like me, you may have spent the most formative parts of your childhood witnessing Shrek’s adventures on the big screen and eating the abominations known as Shrek-themed Twinkies. Younger fans may not have even been alive for Shrek’s most previous theatrical release in 2010. Luckily, Dreamworks has presented the perfect opportunity for fans of all ages by restarting the franchise.

It goes without saying, Shrek is a popular internet icon. In a way, the past decade has seen him deified as a meme icon. Everything from the incredibly strange «Shrek is love, Shrek is life» trend to the resurgence of Smash Mouth’s popularity proves just how beloved Shrek is within internet culture. With that, here’s how everyone is reacting to the announcement:

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