Snarky New Meme Uses Fake Layoffs to Bemoan Everything Wrong With Twitter

Twitter hasn’t been able to get out of the headlines this week, thanks to the completion of its takeover by one Mr. Elon Musk. Since the deal has been confirmed, the infamous billionaire has wasted no time instigating some sweeping changes. Amongst other things, these include a proposal to charge blue check users monthly for the privilege of their official status, and a brutal round of high profile firings. The way things are going, it’s doubtful that we’ve seen the last of this no-holds barred approach to the platform changing hands. In true Twitter style, many of its users have decided to make the most of these unfortunate circumstances by turning them into a joke. The «just got laid off from Twitter» meme has allowed people to complain about the many features of the bird app that leave something to be desired. Their gripes a pretty legit, although none top the stunt masterclass pulled by Rahul Ligma and Daniel Johnson not too long ago.

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