Some Memes to Meet, Underwhelm, or Exceed Expectations

Sorry, optimists, but we have to admit this to ourselves once in a while: life can be disappointing. Many of us get told that the world is our oyster at some point or another, but reality often proves this to be far from the truth. Things that seem to be good end, bad things come out of nowhere, and we spend a lot of our time trying to get ourselves out of one predicament or another.

Suitably bummed out at this point of the introduction to a list of random memes? Good, because that puts you in the perfect state of mind for a pick me up. While they can reflect back to us some of our low points, at their heart most memes are here to make us feel better in some kind of way, or at least distract us from things that we don’t want to think about. Let’s not wait any longer. 

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