‘Something out of a dystopian novel’: Evil company surreptitiously takes photos of employees throughout their work day

Not to sound like I have a tinfoil hat on, but the surveillance state is real. Whether we know it or not, we’re being watched and/or listened to by people (or entities) that aren’t our friends. How do you think the ads got so weirdly specific and good? How do they know I wanted that Princess Diana-inspired sweater? It’s hard to get away from unless you go completely off the grid. 

But the regular workaday spying the world does on us is one thing (not a good thing, but one thing.) Being specifically spied on by your employer, that’s quite another. In the age of webcams, hidden cameras, and online channels of communication, it gets harder and harder to have privacy at work. This recent story from the antiwork subreddit is a particularly flagrant example of workplace surveillance, loud and clear. Read it and start getting a little paranoid. 

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