Spoiled Son Deletes All of Gamer Mom’s Progress on Switch, Throws Tantrum When She Grounds Him

When I was a kid, my dad introduced me to video games because he already had an interest in them. I was absolutely over the moon to have a parent who, not only allowed me to play video games, but played them with me from time to time. I can’t imagine why a teenager would ever want to squander that special and rare bond by being a selfish, entitled little brat.

u/Original-Oil-1792 recently turned to r/AmItheAsshole after her son threw a tantrum in response to being grounded for deleting all of her game data (including saved progress) from her Nintendo Switch just so that he could play Fortnite—a game he already had downloaded on a handful of other systems. Never mess with a gamer’s saved progress, especially if that gamer is your mom.

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