Super Silly Squirrel Supreme: 16 Sassy Squirrels Living The Tree Life (Pics And Memes)

Every animal knows the magical tale of Hairy Otter, the magical otter lad who fought against all odds to defeat the dark lord, Voledemore, but few have heard the tale of Professor Squirrel, the agent of darkness behind the dark lord’s rise. Squirinius Squirrel was a curious pup, always playing pranks and making majestic memes, that is until one day he fell down a well and came face to face with Volemore’s shadow.

This shadow spoke of glory and power, tempting young Squirinius with promises of status and majesty, and so young Squirrel worked hard to get into a position of power, all to help the Dark Lord’s resurrection. After his many years of evildoing came to an end, Professor Squirrel would eventually turn over a new leaf, literally, by opening up a tea shop in his tree home, called ‘The New Leaf’.

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