Suspicious Examples Of People Being Far Too Specific About Things

Most of us like to think that we have pretty good poker faces. It was probably a good evolutionary tactic way back when, and nowadays it’s an essential part of getting ourselves out of situations we’d rather not be in (or trying, at the very least). That being said, we’re often not as canny as we want to be when it comes to what we do and say. Everyone gives the game away at some point or another, whether it’s intentional or not. We’ve all had those kinds of experiences that perhaps aren’t totally kosher for consumption by the general public, but we want to talk about them anyway, and this is where the game of specificity kicks in. Allusion is a powerful tool, even when we’re not being subtle about it. The examples below definitely have a full story behind them, but it’s not likely that anyone is going to give them up in a hurry. 

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