The Best Animal Memes of the Week (June 24, 2023)

I encounter animals so often during my daily commute. There’s a dog park on my route to the train, so I get to walk through a bunch of dogs frolicking and playing with each other in the morning. Sometimes, people bring their animals on the subway, which I feel ambivalent about. I’m known to side-eye dogs who are sitting on train seats when there’s a perfectly good floor to lie on, but that’s none of my business. There are tons of pigeons near my office, and there’s one particularly beautiful pigeon that seems to stay in the neighborhood. It’s brown and white, and I try to take a picture of it every time I see it. I get to see a lot of cute vermin on my way home from work, especially when it’s dark. The rats come out at night, and I make sure to get out of their way. 

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