The Best Dungeons & Dragons Memes of the Week (June 2, 2023)

One of the most wonderful things about Dungeons & Dragons is the fact that each individual campaign has the potential to develop its own complex and legendary lore. One of my favorite D&D stories I ever came across was the tragic tale of Barnaby the Brass Dragon. Five years ago, redditor u/Doomdecahedron confessed their shameful sin to r/DnD and shared the story about how their party lied to and abandoned poor Barnaby in a swift act of cruelty. Said u/Doomdecahedron in their post: «His name was Barnaby. He was like a puppy. He gave us shade from the desert sun with his wings and wanted to hear all about our adventures. When we tried to leave, he got real sad and told us to keep talking with him. Our bard (through a very bad save by the dragon) charmed him into gathering things to throw us a party when we came back, four moons from now. Our world has two moons, and he interpreted it as two days. He flew off to make party preparations. Our bard was lying, and our party has no intention to return there. This is probably going to come back to haunt us, but I just can’t stop imagining poor Barnaby, wearing a little party hat, all alone at a celebration that nobody else showed up for.» Who knows how many stories like this have unfolded in countless D&D basements throughout the world. 

If, like us, you’re all about the D&D lore, you’ll definitely get a kick out of these funny and relatable Dungeons & Dragons memes!

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