The Best Outdoorsy Nature Memes of the Week (May 2, 2024)

We don’t live in an outdoorsy world anymore. It could be argued that we haven’t lived in a genuinely outdoorsy world since the Paleolithic era, but you all know precisely what I’m talking about. Kids do not play outside as much as they did when we were kids. Most of us commute to work by getting in our car, driving exactly where we’re going, and walking inside without spending more than 2 minutes in the fresh air. If we want to go on a proper hike, most of us have to drive or take a train to somewhere where the natural landscapes haven’t been taken over by parking lots, highways, and strip malls. But just because the average person doesn’t spend enough time outside doesn’t mean you have to languish inside four white walls. You have the power to walk outside right now and take a walk. If you can’t do that just this second, these nature memes can hold you over for now.

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