The Best Relatable Work Memes This Week (April 24, 2023)

Ask anybody who works conventional hours what they would rather be doing at this time on a Monday and you would get a whole spectrum of answers. Sure, a lot of them would be something to do with having a lie in, but there would be many other replies as well. 

You know why? Because, believe it or not, when we’re given some free time outside of work, we can actually flourish as fully-formed human beings with interests and passions. Not everything is about clocking in to the gray building that gives you money every month, or if you’re part of the WFH crowd, cracking open that laptop and hopping on Zoom. 

However, we’re not here to have a conversation about the things that really make your heart sing. We’re here to complain about our jobs in a mildly humorous fashion. These memes know the struggle just as well as you do, if you’re scrolling these at work. 

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