The Best Relatable Work Memes This Week (July 11, 2022)

While it’s true that we need something to take up all those years that we’re supposed to live, and that we should all make a contribution to society if we are able, it’s kind of a bum deal that we’ve decided that the best way of doing this is by going to work. This isn’t to say the concept of working is bad — if the past couple of years have proved anything to us, it’s that there are plenty of jobs which are absolutely essential. However, the conditions in which we’re expected to do it frequently lie on a scale ranging from less than great to complete garbage. There are a lot of employees out there who deserve much more than they’re getting, but this improvement seems like it is a long way away. That’s why we have all these memes to take out our frustrations with, because at least your line manager can’t put you on a disciplinary for these (so long as you don’t share them in the workplace, that is). 

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