The Best Relatable Work Memes This Week (May 23, 2022)

Most of us feel aimless in life at one point or another, which means it can seem like a huge relief when something comes along to give us a sense of purpose. Finally, we get to go from the mental equivalent of watching paint dry to the mental equivalent of watching paint dry for someone else’s benefit. 

Work isn’t all bad. After all, it’s what puts food on the table and it’s what makes us get up in the morning, like it or not. Nevertheless, it can bring its fair share of worries and frustrations that we don’t always get an outlet for.

When it seems like we just can’t do anything right — or even worse, we are doing everything right and not receiving the credit for it — we need a fallback to make us feel better. That’s why there are so many memes about the workplace, because we all need something to take the sting out of clocking in. 

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