The Best Relatable Work Memes This Week (November 27, 2023)

As somebody currently blessed with somewhat unconventional working circumstances, I’m forever thankful for not being shackled to the burden that is traditional office culture. My experience of it was uncomfortable, to say the least. All the politics and not-so-nice social niceties were not my kind of thing. Sure, it makes sense for some people, but they are not the vast majority. The rest of us are just trying our best to get through the day in one piece. 

We all have different strategies for making this happen, but perhaps one of the most enjoyable of these is looking at work memes. They are in perfect understanding that while it might pay our bills, there is a lot that happens in the 9 to 5 that is little more than an elaborate charade. So long as the pay check is kind to us, we can keep our grumbling to this minor outlet. 

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