The Best Relatable Work Memes This Week (October 23, 2023)

You don’t have to be a born rebel to dislike how most of the working population are beholden to our corporate overlords. While those annoying grindset influencers talk garbage most of the time, they’re not wrong about how demoralizing it can be to earn a living through being a company drone. As if doing a pointless job for an even more pointless organization wasn’t insult enough, this stuff also takes up a minimum of 40 precious hours in our week. It ain’t fun!

It’s not that work is something terrible, or that there aren’t many roles (even the somewhat ridiculous ones) that bring value to us as a society. However, the way that many jobs are structured can often seem like one big plot to keep us all in our place. Work memes provide one of the few acceptable outlets for this frustration. They might not change things, but they give a voice to many complaints.


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