The Cringiest Parenting Posts of the Week (October 23, 2023)

There are a lot of sad posts on mommy Facebook groups. Parents share their struggles so vulnerably in these social media spaces because they can get the support they wouldn’t otherwise. If your kid is going through some bullying at school, hundreds of other moms in your community are willing to support you and share how their kids overcame this difficult time. If you’re an overwhelmed first-time mom who feels like you have no idea what you’re doing, an army of women will give you words of advice and encouragement. It can be a very wholesome and sweet community to be in. 

With any earnest community, there are inevitably going to be some pretty funny posts. For some reason, people have their guards down in Facebook groups filled with hundreds of strangers, and that can lead to pretty entertaining places. These mommy Facebook posts are mostly cringe, but they are also a little bit funny.

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