The Cringiest Parenting Posts of the Week (October 30, 2023)

I have a theory about why mommy Facebook groups have become so popular in the past decade. I wholeheartedly believe that the inquisitive parents of the world all migrated from Yahoo Answers to these community groups to ask foolish and stupid questions without being shamed. 

I find it quite sad that Yahoo Answers has completely ended as a platform. I spent many sleepless nights in my childhood asking questions to strangers to my heart’s content, and somehow, I always got some sort of answer. There’s something much more satisfying about knowing that your burning questions are being answered by a real person, wrong though their answer may be. Googling things is boring and impersonal, bearing your heart to Yahoo Answers or the Bethesda Maryland Moms Facebook Group is fun and brings some variety of options that Google wouldn’t think of. If you love cringe parenting posts, these ones surely fit the bill. 

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