The Cringiest Parenting Texts of the Week (November 28, 2023)

It’s the week after Thanksgiving, and if you’re lucky, you’re moving on into these last crazy six weeks before Christmas with a clear head and a full belly. If you’re among the many unlucky ones, you’re still reeling from the last week of having to interact unusually closely with your family. Or perhaps you didn’t go home for this holiday and are dealing with the ugly aftermath of your absence. 

All I can say is this is a prime week for cringe texts from parental units. Most weeks are about occasionally petty squabbles regarding religion, LGBT identity, or an absentee parent trying and failing to come back into their children’s lives. This week is all about whether somebody wasn’t around to eat the dry turkey with people they feel like they have to be around. I don’t know about y’all, but the latter compels me in a way that the former could never. 

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