The Funniest Disney Memes of the Week (April 28, 2024)

There’s a rousing debate within the Disney corporation (and fandom) regarding how to expand the canon. After ten years of dominance at the box office, the world might finally be over Disney’s live-action remakes of their old movies. Bob Iger realizes he could print money by regurgitating old material for theatrical releases instead of cheap direct-to-video sequels, and he’s running out of properties to adapt. 

When people say they want original stories from Disney, they don’t often show up at the box office for said original stories. They’d rather wait until movies like Wish or Strange World go to Disney+ to watch them. The most successful new Disney properties over the past ten years, Moana and Encanto, have Lin-Manuel Miranda to thank for their cultural staying power. Without his songwriting, who knows what the next Disney mainstay will be? If you’re cautiously optimistic about the future of the Disney brand, these Disney memes will tide you over until their next release. 

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