The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (July 6, 2023)

It’s weird how your relationship with your parents changes once you have kids. Before you get the job of mommy or daddy, you think you understand why your parents made the choices they did, and you have strong opinions about said choices. Once you have kids, those opinions completely change. You start to understand why your parents were the way they were during your childhood. When you’re getting the kind of sleep you get when you have a baby, you understand why your mom didn’t want to play with you that one time in 1993. When you’ve got seven loads of laundry to do, it’s understandable that your dad put you in from of the TV for 8 hours on a Saturday in the 2000s. Now that you’ve got the schedule of a parent, your mom not allowing you to do soccer, football, baseball, and basketball over the course of one school year is making sense to you now. Mother knows best, but you probably won’t see why until much, much later. 

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