The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (September 7th, 2022)

Watching parents spill details about their kids on social media can make you feel a lot better about your family life. I saw a TikTok this morning where a mom openly admitted she took her able-bodied child on a family vacations and left her disabled son at home. Like, how are you not embarrassed? Why are you openly admitting this horrible thing you did on social media without shame? Parents can share the most alarming things to complete strangers, and if you question it at all, you get accused of «mom shaming.»

Luckily, social media doesn’t always show you the worst sides of people family lives. So many parenting tweets show that most parents are just good people trying to do the best job that they can, spreading a little humor while they’re at it. They don’t present themselves as perfect and they don’t treat their children with abject cruelty. How novel! 

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