The Most Entertaining Takes From TikTok This Week (August 8, 2023)

With all these screen-addled Zoomers whipping out their phones for TikTok breaks in the movie theater, it’s fair to say that the short form video app has completely changed the landscape of the culture that we live in. All it has done is create an endless TV channel with much lower production values than cable, yet we can’t get enough of everything that it offers. 

I think that there are plenty of criticisms to be made of the effect that TikTok has had on the average #content consumer, but it’s also worth mentioning that it can be pretty entertaining as well. Honestly, it’s mind boggling that so many people are logging on there and giving us this kind of distraction for free. The best thing we can do to show our appreciation is pay attention to it. People are wild, and nowhere illustrates that better than a place like this. 


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