The Most Entertaining Takes From TikTok This Week (December 5, 2023)

It’s easy to think it’s a pretty smooth ride being a TikTok influencer. I mean, what do they actually do aside from use trending sounds, steal tweets to make into their own video posts, and do #ads for things that you can find on the TikTok shop? There is probably a lot more to it than that, but it’s tempting to complain for those of us who work more conventional jobs.

In another way, it’s also good to respect the hustle of people who have made a viable living using the fickle world of social media. We can’t say that they don’t bring us a lot of entertainment as well, such as in the examples we can see here. This is just how so many of us choose to communicate now, for better or worse. It has to be said that despite any downfalls, there are also plenty of funny moments.

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