The Most Entertaining Takes From TikTok This Week (May 30, 2023)

Viral fame: is it really worth it? While there are some people who have launched semi-viable careers off the back of their moment in the sun, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that it isn’t. Having the eyes of the world (and all their opinions) on you after being plucked from obscurity is never going to be the most pleasant experience. 

Nonetheless, thousands of individuals strive for exactly this on a daily basis. Or at least, they seem to. TikTok has been the number one culprit in recent years when it comes to encouraging us as the general public to strive for attention on the internet. 

It might not be a good thing, but it has led some creators down some pretty intriguing paths. Even when it’s kind of horrifying, the entertainment factor can’t be denied. Whatever ever you think about TikTok, its users do know how to put on a show. 

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