The Most Entertaining Takes From TikTok This Week (May 7, 2024)

For all that people used to treat it as a wild and novel invention, the formula of TikTok’s success only follows the many platforms that came before it. Many of its users mix candid revelations about their own lives with a very specific blend of social media showmanship that proves so addictive to viewers that it drives them to watch in their billions.

However, it has to be said that this can get a little time-consuming. Many of us are busy people, and shouldn’t be sinking away all of our spare minutes into the clock app. Spend them here instead, with a summary of the more entertaining and ridiculous tidbits that the platform has produced for our viewing pleasure. They may sometimes say some questionable things about human nature, but that only makes them more addictive. You can tell yourself that this is more efficient than watching every single video.

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