The Most Entertaining Takes From TikTok This Week (November 14, 2023)

The success of TikTok over the past half a decade is far from a mystery. It combines many of the contemporary internet’s favorite things: attention seeking, dumb arguments, and most importantly of all, easily accessible and digestible Content. Many a TikTok naysayer has been reluctantly won over by finally opening the app and immediately going on a nonstop scroll for several hours straight.

This might not be a good thing, but it’s also undeniable that it has changed the social media landscape as we know it forever. In 2022, nearly half of new memes came from the clock app. The way things are going, that number is only going to rise. It means that it pays to keep tabs on the whole thing, even if your only method of doing that is through some of its silliest screenshots. It’s not going anywhere soon (unless they try to ban it again). 

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