The Most Entertaining Takes From TikTok This Week (October 17, 2023)

The rise of the content creator in my lifetime has been a phenomenon both impressive and terrifying. I remember the days when spending all your time on social media was considered to be living in your mom’s basement behavior, instead of legitimate career choice. When a significant proportion of the working population didn’t even know what an influencer was, and people who documented their life on the internet were considered odd.

Were things better back then? It’s easy to reminisce with rose tinted glasses, but it can certainly be said that there were upsides to these pre-Content times. By the same token, a place like TikTok makes it difficult to imagine things being any different than they are today. Seeing as we’re all glued to our screens anyway, we may as well take in the grand variety of human experience via the messy entertainment of the clock app. It can be pretty funny.


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