This Week’s ‘Invader Zim’ Bag Full of Nostalgia Memes for Millennials Who Need to Satisfy Their Nostalgic Funny Bone (July 20, 2023)

Welcome to the wonderful, colorful, and chaotic world of millennial nostalgia. There’s a reason Y2K style is coming back and it’s more than just the cyclical trends of fashion. When millennials were growing up it started out full of hope. The internet became a household thing, technology was colorful and see-through, jeans we’re acceptable under dress, and puka shell necklaces were a popular boy accessory. But then halfway through BAM 9/11, the recession, the housing market crash, Enron scandal, climate change deniers, and so much more. Was that just getting older or did the reptilians really start to take over at some point? Either way, it has made millennials hopeful, yet cynical and colorful, yet goth. We have unintentionally discovered how to live life balancing the existential dread with the whimsical ways of loving life. No wonder millennial culture is coming back in style. So to celebrate, we’ve got some of our favorite millennial throwback memes that came across our feeds this week! It’s no Disney original movie, but it’s still fun.  

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