Thread: Recruiter Wants to «Negotiate» Lower Salary, Actually Wants to Trick Candidate Into Taking Lower Pay

This job candidate was asked by the recruiter if they would negotiate a lower paid rate, which turned out to just be a way of trying to get them to take the original offer. The recruiter’s actions have drawn the ire of the internet after photos of the exchange were posted online.

This thread was posted to Reddit’s r/antiwork subreddit by Reddit user u/Jbeez4117 who shared the thread, which featured screenshots of the exchange, to the popular sub. They posted the thread with the title «That sounds like a pretty f–ing one-sided ‘negotiation.’ Actual exchange I had this morning.»

Readers voiced their thoughts and opinions in the comments and shared some experiences of their own.

«Love how their definition of ‘negotiate’ was for you to sell yourself short and take the pay cut for them,» voiced user LongStreakOfMisery. «[A] sh!t place to work, no doubt. Good thing they showed their true colours so quickly so you could dodge that bullet.»

«I got a job offer just yesterday that they tried to give me less than we discussed in the initial interview (10 f–ing thousand less),» shared whowouldsaythis. «After going thru a couple more, they tried to pull this on me. I need the job tbh, but I held my ground and actually got mad on the call. Today I met them and signed a job offer. I’ve never had the balls to do this before. HOLD YOUR GROUND.»

Read on for the screenshots and some reactions below.

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