Top Non-Money Tips Servers Get From Customers

The customer service industry is unpredictable; customers range from super kind, to average, to complete wacko human beings. Servers often encounter a variety of strange, weird, odd, and unexpected situations, some of them being the tip that people leave when they are done with their meal. Apparently, not everyone leaves 15%, or any money at all… some customers prefer to leave some pretty strange, unconventional things instead. As we have worked in the service industry, we can vouch for the fact that yes, this happens… a lot. Especially in bars, rather than at fancy restaurants, although it can happen anywhere.

Below you’ll find answers Redditors provided u/WerewolfMoms, who posted in u/Serverslife, asking ‘What was the worst of weirdest non-money tip you’ve received?’. Some replies had our jaws on the floor, while others seemed almost… fair? Scroll down to check them out for yourself. For more like this, here is an employee who disabled the internet for an entire company after his boss told him to disable the internet only for ‘employees’ who ‘weren’t doing their job’ properly.

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