Treasure Chest of 20+ Memes for Lone Rangers Who Prefer the Quiet

Do you find that you’re one of those types of people who generally don’t like most other human beings? To be fair, the world IS kind of crumbling in front of our eyes, and the leading factor is homo sapiens, AKA, us. No wonder introverts like us exist. If you’re part of the quiet crowd who likes to brood indoors and live in your own little world, you’re in the right place. These memes are for folk with a treasure chest of a mind but rarely lend the key to fellow friends. It’s tough to achieve any insight into how your brain works, but that’s not a bad thing.

So, without further ado… scroll down for the carefully cultivated memes we’ve scoured the internet for. Trust us, it wasn’t hard to find, as quiet folk literally rule the internet. For more like this, here are some more memes for lone rangers who like taking the road less traveled.

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