Weekly Treat of Cat Memes for Feline Fanatics (October 18, 2023)

A lot of change has happened on the internet over the past couple of decades, but one of the few things that has remained the same is that cats rule the internet. No matter how you feel about them as pets, you have no choice but to respect the versatility and influence that they bring to the table in memes. 

A cat meme from 2007 is a world away from a cat meme today, but there is at least one thing that they both share: a deep reverence for the inherent goofiness of our feline friends. This is something that us humans have appreciated for thousands of years, and it’s unlikely that we’re going to stop any time soon. 

As any cat lover will tell you, these critters are endlessly entertaining in real life. This makes the fact that they translate so well to funny internet pictures merely an added blessing.

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