Weekly Treat of Cat Memes for Feline Fanatics (October 4, 2023)

I go back and forth when it comes to the domesticated animals that I like the most. I have had both cats and dogs, and each display particular qualities that I love, or find kind of annoying. However, I seem to most often come back to the conclusion that I’m a cat person. As a whole, our feline friends seem like they’re more of a personality match for me. Also, I can’t help but respect the pioneering work that they have done in the world of memes.

For many people of a certain age, one of their first exposures to memes came through the humble LOLcat. Although meme culture is light years ahead of where it was when these kinds of images first got popular, it gives cat memes some serious street cred when it comes to their popularity. The examples below are only a fraction of what is available. 

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