Wistful Worker Splits Opinion After Claiming They Miss Their Long Commute

No matter where they stand in the great debate about blended working, if you ask most office workers what the best thing about being able to work from home is, they will likely mention something about not having to commute. 

Traveling to and from work is well documented as a draining and soul-sucking experience, and the main point of existence frequently seems to be to make rush hour public transport as miserable as possible. Although it’s being done for the purposes of being able to do a job, employers rarely compensate for it, and it takes away even more time from your life outside of work.

For some, one of the most depressing parts about supposedly «going back to normal» has been watching buses, train stations and freeways fill up to their normal capacity of commuters. Once again, the majority of the adult population are having a chunk of their time carved away for the purpose of getting to and from the jobs they do. There are plenty that think no amount of podcast listening, or time with your own thoughts makes up for 

However, this is not an opinion shared by everyone. While many people might get the heebie-jeebies just talking about the idea of job travel, there are others out there who aren’t just willing to tolerate the prospect, but also actively enjoy it.

This is the case for u/therellenoswithin, who felt so alienated by the way they had enjoyed their extra long commute that they posted their opinion on r/The10thDentist. They explained how they missed their previous working role because of the 4 hour round trip they took for it each day. Although some would balk at the idea of this, they enjoyed it as a way to «warm up and unwind» at the beginning and end of each day.


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