Yet More Memes of the Middling Variety

Unless you were born under some particularly unlucky stars, it’s likely that you experience 90% of life as being just OK. We spend most of our time repeating the same basic tasks for personal time, work, and leisure day after day, usually with few interruptions. That’s why many of us can get so much mileage out of a conversation about who’s stealing from the breakroom fridge, or that silly way the dog sat on the couch the other day. A lot of being alive is dull, and we have no choice but to accept that!

Memes are one of many ways in which we try to make that dullness special. While there are plenty of them that are kind of wacky and out there, the majority deal with the mundane thoughts and feelings that we all have from time to time. They show us that they’re not so boring — or not to us, at least.

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