20+ Best ADHD Tweets That May Confine You to the Bed with Laughter

My phone is packed with daily reminders, and I am not just talking about my calendar, I’m talking about the trillion alarms I have prepared carefully in advance for every hour of the day so that things get down. My biggest fear is losing my phone because it is my saving grace, the reason I don’t accidentally stand people up, and the reason I remember to send that weekly email report to my boss. I’d be genuinely lost without it.

And there are many more of you out there who go through the exact same thing. This thing has a name: ADHD. Some of you are diagnosed, and some are yet to be diagnosed… personally, I find meds to be a lifesaver, while some of my other friends with ADHD find they make them too ‘zombie-like’. Fair, that is a thing. They do be like that. But, if you my dear readers, are looking for some laughs on the matter via the internet, then these funny tweets are for you.

For more memes of the like, check out these red flag therapy tweets.

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