20+ Fantastically Weird Group Chat Names to Kickstart Your Bestie Banter

If you’re fortunate enough to have a group of friends (it’s cool if not, we get it), chances are you have a group chat where you share memes, gossip, and vent about your problems. My friends and I keep in touch by sending comprehensive life updates every. single. Sunday. But the real burning question is, what’s the name of your group chat? Is it something basic like «squad» or «gang», or something more creative and unique? My group chat names usually stem from an inside joke, like that time we named it the entire (I mean entire) script from the High School Musical parody. That was a hoot.

Well, if you’re looking for some inspiration or maybe just a good laugh, look no further than this Reddit thread. Users took to the comments to share their friend group’s OG group chat names and got rated out of 10 by the OP. Some of the names are hilarious, some are clever, and some are just plain weird. Below are some of our personal favorites.

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