20+ Witty Parenting Memes for Moms and Dads Who Are Parenting the Best They Can Parent (August 12, 2023)

Growing up, my mom and dad had the most perfectly meme-able dynamic. Memes were still a new thing when I was a kid, but dang, I really should’ve been making memes from their interactions. At the time I just thought we had a fun and quirky family, now that I’m older I realize that my brother and I were little monsters that brought them constantly to the brink of total exhaustion. So the dance contests? That was most definitely to tire my brother and I out and give my parents a moment to sit. Doing laps around the dinner table as my parents sat there drinking wine and singing and we’d have to stop when they stopped singing? Another brilliant ploy to tire us out and give them time to relax! Wow. It’s crazy how innovative and patient you have to be as a parent. So to me, memes and parenting go perfectly hand-in-hand. 

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