47 Dank Memes For When The Going Gets Tough

The internet often feels like a blessing and a curse. With this immeasurable wealth of content at our fingertips, we can find answers to questions and entertainment to distract us with such ease, it’s almost scary. Where would we be without the internet? Are we just useless blobs of flesh that have grown dependent on …
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Eerie Twitter Story About Kid Sneaking Food & Discovering Trespasser

There’s been a lot of talk about Bong Joon-Ho’s Oscar-winning Parasite, but this true and incredibly disturbing story kind of trumps it. Horror writer Grady Hendrix shared a chilling tale back in October about innocent food-sneaking gone incredibly wrong. Kids are known for sneaking around, and one night when Hendrix intended to sneak-eat his family’s leftovers, …
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Redditor Asks If She’s The A-Hole For Teaching Fiancé’s Family A Stinky Lesson

Warning: discussions of poop ahead. Food is an undeniable foundation of social relations. In every part of the world, friends and families bond through the sacred tradition of sharing a meal. Who doesn’t love food? But social gatherings that revolve around eating aren’t a walk in the park for everyone. There are millions of people …
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Prince William Was Named ‘World’s Sexiest Bald Man’ And Twitter Is Outraged

Prince William was apparently named ‘world’s sexiest bald man’ according to a dubious ‘study’ using data from Google. Cosmetic surgery company Longevita concluded that the Duke of Cambridge was Earth’s number one sexy bald man after discovering the prince had been called ‘sexy’ 17.6 million times across the internet in various blogs and articles. Well, …
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La historia completa de Kingdom Hearts hasta la fecha

Con motivo del lanzamiento de la saga Kingdom Hearts en PC, hemos actualizado y recuperado este artículo sobre la historia de la serie. Próximamente añadiremos también los eventos de la tercera entrega, ¡así que estad atentos! El primer Kingdom Hearts salió en Japón el 28 de marzo de 2002. La historia de Sora, Donald y …
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Tolkien Tuesday #34: 35 Dank & Dumb ‘Lord Of The Rings’ Memes

Paging all LOTR nerds! Here’s our friendly reminder that it’s Tuesday – the day we bestow y’all with Lord of the Rings memes that are equal parts stupid and stupendously funny. It’s a solid mix of old and new, with plenty of references that will satisfy any level of fan. And if you need more? …
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Rick And Morty Season 5 Trailer Hypes Fans Up For A June Release

Good news for Rick and Morty fans: the show’s fifth season finally has a release date (June 20th!) – and a wild trailer to boot. The beloved Cartoon Network show has come through with a shorter gap between seasons, and though the trailer looks pretty pickle-free, it seems we have a lot to look forward to. …
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