21 Best Parenting Memes for Moms and Dads Parenting the Best They Can Parent

Remember when summer would come around and you would look forward for all the beach days you were about to have? All the BBQs you were going to host? All the pool parties and road trips that were planned? Oh man, how the turntables after you have kids… We’re not saying doing all those things are impossible as a parent, but they definitely are not the same. Now, school is out and summer time means figuring out what your kids are going to do every single day. Will they go to summer camp? Will they stay at home? Will the go spend a couple weeks with grandma and grandpa? Those are your main concerns. You can always bring your kids on the road trip and to the pool parties, but, again, you won’t be chugging down White Claws and catching a tan like you used to, you’ll be telling Junior to quit running around the pool and baby Maggie to quit dunking her brother… If you get what we’re saying, enjoy the memes below. 

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