23 Memes for Millennial Parents Parenting the Best They Can

Millennial parents are the only ones who can hear «what a time to be a parent» both ominously and excitedly… What does that say about us? We have no idea. It’s an ever evolving society out there. What they used to say was good for your kids in the 80s and 90s is not horrible for them. What you grew up doing is now considered ineffective and what you’re supposed to do for your kids your parents can’t give you any pointers on because they never did and have no clue… So like, what are we supposed to do? Come on, ya’ll. What do we always do? We wing it until we win it! And, of course, make memes about it. If you can’t handle life with a little bit of humor, then you’ll never survive parenthood and anything, really. Life is hard, why would you make it harder but being able to see the comedic value of some things? It’s a survival mechanism and us millennials are holding on tight to it, especially millennial parents. You got this ma and pa! We’ve got you with parenting memes below for your enjoyment. 

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