24 Double Shot Latte Art Early Shift Barista Memes with Extra Whipped Cream

It doesn’t matter if you’re not a morning person, you swallow that grumpiness and you treat your local barista with respect! If you don’t, do you know what could happen? DECAF. That’s right. You could be getting decaf and not even know it. That headache you get later is all because you yelled at your barista because they forgot to give you a jacket for your cup. Was it worth it? HUH, PUNK, WAS IT?! Sorry, obviously I have some personal experience in this. All you chai latte folk are excluded, of course. We love you. Anyways, calling all you baristas out there! We see you and we appreciate you. Heck, we NEED you! So we’ve gathered some relatable memes we think you’ll enjoy with your fourth shot of espresso during your shift. Why have breakfast when you can have 7 shots of espresso during your shift and two dinners before bed? Ahhhh yes, the life of a barista! 

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