24 Epic Workplace Fails That Led to These Employees Getting Fired

We all have had that one coworker who makes us wonder how they ever got hired. You know, the one who does the dumbest things imaginable and somehow manages to keep their job. The one who makes you facepalm so hard, you get a concussion. Well, you’re not alone. From putting their hand in a deep fryer to forgetting that their sharing their screen on a video call, these are some of the most epic fails in the workplace.

If you want to laugh, cringe, and feel better about your own competence, keep reading for some of the best comments on this Reddit thread, asking people, «What’s the dumbest thing you’ve seen a coworker do?» But be warned: some of these stories might make you lose faith in humanity. Or at least in the hiring process. Seriously, how do these people get jobs? 

We hope these stories tickled your funny bone and gave you a hearty chuckle. And always remember, if you think you’re having a rough day at work, just recall these coworkers and be grateful you’re not one of them. Unless, of course, you are one of them, in which case, please stop.

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