’24 hour shopping at Walmart’: 20+ Discontinued products we wish would come back

You learn quickly in life that nothing lasts forever. The beautiful thing about life is that it’s fleeting. Just like the Shamrock Shake. Here one day, gone the next. You may pray for its return, but there are no guarantees in life. There are so many products I grew up with that magically vanished at some point, never to return. Getting a sandwich at Quizno’s. Picking out a new outfit at Justice. Renting a movie from Blockbuster. All things I used to regularly do, and with glee! Now lost to the sands of time, only to be remembered by nostalgists and Redditors. 

But sometimes a movement is powerful enough to bring something back. Change.org is full of many such cases. Following is a list of items that some of us mourn like a long-lost child. Scroll through and see if you agree, and then add some of yours in the comments. 

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