25+ Darling Dog Memes for Canine Enthusiasts (April 25, 2024)

There’s something about dogs that just raises the level of joy in any given space. You could have an office, gray and boring, full of half-miserable people just trying to get through the day– add a couple of dogs to the equation and the world goes technicolor. It’s because dogs themselves have no choice but to be happy. They have very little to worry about in life. They are fed, they receive love, and all they have to do is run around being themselves. Of course, they radiate happiness. 

Humans could probably take a page from their book in that regard. Sure, we might have bills to pay and mouths to feed, but if we approached everything with a dog-like spirit, the world might be a much better place. We would make each other happy. Until we figure out how to do that ourselves, at least we have dogs as a proxy for now. And dog memes. 

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