25 Funny Toddler Memes for Tenacious Parents Braving Their Way Through the Terrible Twos

It’s not uncommon to hear moms and dads boasting about getting an ‘easy baby’ when they first become parents. It’s a lot less often that they claim to have an easy toddler. Anyone who has parented that age group, or even spent the smallest amount of time around them can see why. Most two to four year olds are getting still to grips with all those basic human functions, and it causes them to leave a trail of chaos in their wake.

It’s true, the bootcamp of toddler parenting is a universe away from the sleepless nights of the infant stage (and as an added bonus, many don’t sleep properly at this age, either). They’re pretty cute when they’re not screaming or destroying things, but such moments can be few and far between. It’s enough to make anybody turn to the light relief of memes. Thankfully, there are plenty out there that sympathize with those raising toddlers.

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