25 Memes for the Broke Servers/Baristas/Bartenders Who Have a Wild Amount of Jerk Customers to Deal With on a Daily Basis

The service industry is honestly one of the most difficult environments to survive in because generally speaking, people are stupid. Customers take everything personally, come in ten minutes before closing time, demand that the chef invents an entirely new dish for them (Seriously Sharon, just eat at home), and the money is kind of meh for the amount of crazy you deal with daily.

And for the last time, we don’t make the prices. So Karen, if you have such an issue with it, please just go. Nobody is forcing you to eat here, there are plenty of other places in walking distance. People who work in customer service, retail, fast food, or any other jobs for that matter, are human beings who have to put up with so much hogwash for a living. So tone down the arrogant attitude, and show some respect.

If you hate working in the service industry, this meme list is for you. For some more serotonin, you’re welcome to click here, where you’ll be redirected to some hilarious classical art memes.

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